I’m Amber, nice to meet you!

I personally know the safety that comes with playing it small and how everyone loves a “good girl.” I know that allure of perfectionism and the burdens that come with the closeness to it. Its hard to let go of this identity because it “works,” but I also know the other side of it. Having done my own healing work, I know how much bigger and more vibrant life is on the other side. Life isn’t suppose to feel so constricted and hard, and I’m here to help guide you in finding your own freedom.

Why work with me?

I was that good girl, obedient daughter, and striving for perfection partner. This was my answer in life that kept me safe. I read people so easily and figured out how to get my needs met by being what others expected or needed. It “worked for me” but also left me available to so much unnecessary heartache and struggle.

And while working through each struggled called me to a new level of healing, I was exhausted. I realized I couldn’t play the good girl anymore and fully heal. When I learned why I did what I did, leaned into self-compassion and self- love, rebelled against societal and family messages, and stepped into my own power and purpose, I found freedom like I never thought possible. That doesn't mean bad things don't happen, but I am equipped with the skills and self-trust in knowing that I can always handle whatever comes my way. I can move with life versus bracing for it or keeping myself safe by being perfect or small.

I feel such a deep sense of commitment and love for myself once I stepped out of that good girl role, and I want every woman to know and experience that. You deserve to feel that love and fierceness you pour out into this world without sacrificing another moment to self-abandonment. It would be my honor to walk this journey with you and help you find your unique path to healing and contentment.

Aside from my own life experience, I am a licensed professional counselor and I have had the privilege of walking this path with women for over 13 years. I am highly trained in trauma, eating disorders, and anxiety and have a natural, intuitive gift in helping people see their blocks and woundings in a way that allows them to create new meaning.

And the fun stuff

I am an only child, INFJ, 4wing5, and a manifesting generator. My sun is leo, my moon is sagittarius, and my ascendant is scorpio. I love birth order; decoding family lineage stories; and finding metaphors in obscure behavior. I never close doors or drawers all the way; I love curling up with a good book; and nothing makes me happier than putting together a detailed itinerary of the best restaurants and off-the-beaten-path to-dos for travel. Make-up feels like painting; my clothing is my favorite form of self-expression; the sadder the music the better, and I love a full moon ritual.

I live in Atlanta, GA with my husband, two beautiful baby girls (1 and 3), and our 1 year old yellow lab, Winnie.



Liberate your inner good girl.

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The Maiden's Journey: 12 month intensive

Want to live a non-chaotic life free from people pleasing, perfectionism, and guilt? This is the course for you. Through the lens of ancient feminine archetypes, you will heal long-standing wounds, embrace self-love, and step into your power for a life full of ease, joy and purpose.

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